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Releases: sippy-platform/valkyrie

Valkyrie 0.13

01 Mar 14:50
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Valkyrie 0.13 Pre-release

Valkyrie 0.13 adds a number of Mellow UI glyphs, and adds editor-related iconography.


Expands our icon library from 195 icons to 214.

  • bold
  • clear-markup
  • clear-node
  • code
  • codeblock
  • github
  • h1 - h6
  • hr
  • italics
  • pagaragraph
  • quote
  • redo
  • strikethrough
  • undo


Valkyrie 0.12

15 Feb 09:08
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Valkyrie 0.12 Pre-release

Valkyrie 0.12 is a minor update to provide full coverage of the required icons for Sippy 3.1.


Expands our icon library from 191 icons to 195.

  • list-ol-clock
  • phone-clock
  • webhooks
  • webhooks-clock


  • 22b32be 6e5f58e Valkyrie now exports the complete icon set as valkyrieSet.

Fixed issues

  • #20 Fixes an issue where the flip property wouldn't work when set to x or y.

Valkyrie 0.11

25 Oct 12:34
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Valkyrie 0.11 Pre-release

Valkyrie 0.11 is a minor update to provide full coverage of the required icons for Sippy 2.9 and further expanding the React component and styling options.


Expands our icon library from 191 icons to 191.

Refreshed icons

  • valkyrie-sword has been redesigned entirely to be in the style of the main icon set.

Renamed icons

  • valkyrie => valkyrie-sword

Other changes

  • Our SVG files are now stripped from any linebreaks and tabs.


  • vi-spin now respects prefers-reduced-motion and disables the animation when set to reduce.
  • Adds vi-rotate-{90|180|270}-classes to rotate icons around their center.
  • Adds vi-flip-{x|y}-classes to flip icons around one axis, and vi-flip to flip icons around both axis.

React component

  • The React-component now accepts rotate with values false, 0, 90, 180, and 270.
  • The React-component now accepts flip with values false, x, y, and true.

Valkyrie 0.10

29 Sep 10:36
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Valkyrie 0.10 Pre-release

Valkyrie 0.10 includes new icons and updated naming for existing icons for a more consistent naming scheme.


Expands our icon library from 190 icons to 191.

  • arrow-pointer

Refreshed icons

  • The clock-subicon has a more prominent minute-hand.
    • user-clock and table-clock have been updated to use the new subicon.
  • power has updated propotions for the opening in the circle and the indicator.
  • store has been fully redesigned with a larger roof, cleaner roundings, and a square window.
  • tag now uses a circle as its indent instead of a triangle.
  • voicemail has been updated with larger circles.

Renamed icons

  • reload => arrow-rotate-right
  • refresh => arrows-rotate-right
  • box-full => box-open-full
  • calendar-holidays => calendar-stars
  • circle-warning => circle-exclamation
  • circle-x-mark => circle-xmark
  • history => clock-rotate-left
  • desktop => display
  • eye-slashed => eye-slash
  • video => film
  • filter-x-mark => filter-xmark
  • present => gift
  • dashboard => grid
  • heart-broken => heart-crack
  • home => house
  • unlink => link-slash
  • list-ul => list
  • map-marker => location-pin
  • map-marker-dot => location-pin-dot
  • map-marker-slashed => location-pin-slash
  • map-marker-route => location-pins-route
  • search => magnifying-glass
  • voice-recorder => microphone
  • ivr => numpad
  • send => paper-plane-top
  • parachute => parachute-box
  • call => phone-volume
  • call-incoming => phone-arrow-down-left
  • call-outgoing => phone-arrow-up-right
  • call-log => phone-list
  • desk-phone => phone-office
  • puzzle => puzzle-piece
  • shield-danger => shield-xmark
  • color-swatch => swatchbook
  • timetable => table-clock
  • provider => tower-broadcast
  • trash => trash-can
  • triangle-warning => triangle-exclamation
  • video-recorder => video
  • sound-wave => waveform
  • x-mark => xmark

Valkryie 0.9.2

28 Sep 14:40
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Valkryie 0.9.2 Pre-release

Valkyrie 0.9.2 is a minor update.


  • The ValkyrieIcon component will now properly inherit props.

Valkyrie 0.9.1

24 Sep 07:45
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Valkyrie 0.9.1 Pre-release

Valkyrie 0.9.1 is a minor update to fix the user-lock icon and to add asterisk.


Expands our icon library from 189 icons to 190.

  • asterisk

Fixed issues

  • Fixes a visual glitch with user-lock where the lock would be fully filled in.

Valkyrie 0.9

23 Sep 14:34
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Valkyrie 0.9 Pre-release

Valkyrie 0.9 mainly focusses on improving our existing icons.


Expands our icon library from 187 icons to 189.

  • ethernet
  • window

26 refreshed icons

  • address-book has been updated to use a filled user-icon.
  • filter has been updated to be slightly higher.
    • filter-plus and filter-x-mark have been updated to match filter.
  • id-card has been updated to use a filled user-icon.
  • layers has been reworked to better fit the size of the other icons.
    • layers-plus has been updated to match layers.
  • message-pen has been updated to use the same text position as message-text.
  • message-smile has been updated with an improved facial expression.
  • phone has been updated to better match the visual style of the other icons.
    • call, call-incoming, call-log, call-outgoing, and phone-gear have been updated to match phone.
  • search has been updated with a larger magnifier glass to better balance the icon.
  • send now has a more rounded tip for its paper plane.
  • user has been updated with slightly improved proportions and to make sure the icon is symetric.
    • user-clock, user-gear, user-list, user-lcok, user-plus, and users have been updated to match user.
  • users has been updated to give the secondary user-icons a filled head.
  • All sub-icons have been redrawn
    • call-log, logs and user-list have been updated to use the new list-sub-icon.
    • filter-plus, layers-plus and user-plus have been updated to use the new plus-sub-icon.
    • filter-x-mark has been updated to use the new x-mark-sub-icon.
    • phone-gear and user-gear have been updated to use the new gear-sub-icon.
    • timetable clock user-clock have been updated to use the new clock-sub-icon.
    • user-lock has been updated to use the new lock-sub-icon.

Other icon changes

  • play has been aligned better to appear visually centered, instead of its bias to the right.


  • 3f38c1c Solves a deprecation warning from SVGO by updating to the new plugin configuration format.
  • 950cdc2 Updates our build script to provide fonts to our docs.

Valkyrie 0.8

15 Sep 12:49
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Valkyrie 0.8 Pre-release

Valkyrie 0.8 introduces a number of new icons. This update adds icons missing to migrate Sippy 2 from Font Awesome to Valkyrie.


Expands our icon library from 185 icons to 187.

  • grip-bars
  • video

Updated icons

  • angle-* and chrevron-* icons have been repositioned to be centered properly.

Valkyrie 0.7

14 Sep 12:33
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Valkyrie 0.7 Pre-release

Valkyrie 0.7 introduces - with 73 new icons - the largest set of new icons we've ever published in a single update. Furthermore we've updated 8 other icons, improved our React component, and improved our tooling.


Expands our icon library from 112 icons to 185.

  • address-book
  • angle-down
  • angle-left
  • angle-right
  • angle-up
  • angles-y
  • arrow-down-short-wide
  • arrow-down-wide-short
  • arrow-up-short-wide
  • arrow-up-wide-short
  • at
  • backwards
  • bug
  • call
  • call-incoming
  • call-log
  • call-outgoing
  • chart-pie
  • chrome
  • city
  • color-swatch
  • compress
  • eclipse
  • edge
  • expand
  • eye
  • eye-slash
  • fast-forward
  • fast-backward
  • file
  • files
  • filter
  • filter-plus
  • filter-x-mark
  • firefox
  • forward
  • ivr
  • link
  • list-check
  • list-ul
  • logs
  • map-marker-dot
  • map-marker-route
  • message-pen
  • message-smile
  • message-text
  • moon
  • music
  • pause
  • play
  • play-pause
  • power
  • provider
  • puzzle
  • refresh
  • repeat
  • repeat-1
  • safari
  • shuffle
  • sliders
  • star
  • stop
  • store
  • sun
  • tag
  • unlink
  • user-clock
  • valkyrie
  • volume-0
  • volume-1
  • volume-2
  • volume-3
  • volume-none

8 icon refreshes

  • box-full has been updated to make the lids better match the size of the box, provide more space between the front fold and the lids, show a larger circle, and to restore the rounded corners previous versions had.
  • heart-broken has been updated with an improved crack design to better fit the Valkyrie design language.
  • id-card has been updated to use the standardized user-icon and is now 1 pixel less tall.
  • map-marker has been updated to properly align its tip's center.
    • map-marker-slashed has been updated to use the new base map-marker-icon.
  • message has been reworked to no longer have any content, the previous message-icon is now message-text.
  • phone has been updated to appear larger to better fit with the other icons.
    • phone-gear has been updated to use the new base phone-icon.

Renamed icons

  • refresh => reload
  • angle-* -> chevron-*


  • b2ab9a2 Minor enhancements to the generated documentation document in /docs.
  • 8161803 Valkyrie is now marked as side-effect free.
  • 125d0a0 Switches div out for span in the ValkyrieIcon-component.


  • 9d67eb3 We've added issue forms for icon and feature requests as well as bug reports.

Valkyrie 0.7 alpha 3

02 Sep 12:49
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Valkyrie 0.7 alpha 3 Pre-release

Valkyrie 0.7 alpha 3 makes an important change to the React component to improve its utility, as well as add new icons.


Expands our icon library from 117 icons to 120.

  • message-pen
  • message-smile
  • message-text

1 icon refreshe

  • message has been reworked to no longer have any content, the previous message-icon is now message-text.


  • 125d0a0 Switches div out for span in the ValkyrieIcon-component.

Fixed issues

  • address-book has not been altered, but has been moved to the right to make it appear visibly centered.