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Development Contributing Guide

ajohnston edited this page Jan 13, 2021 · 7 revisions

General Guidelines

These guidelines prevent us from having to give repeated feedback on the same topics:

  • Use specific versions: If you're updating any software or dependency, please be specific with the version number. Also, update the appropriate README to reflect that change. Don't rely on the package manager to deliver a specific version, apt consistently returns different versions on Ubuntu 12.04 vs 14.04.
  • Rope in experts: If you're making a performance tweak, our team may not be able to verify your code--we are not experts in every language. It's always helpful to ping expert users to verify that the change is appropriate (a basic introduction to someone with the appropriate credentials is also a plus). If you're an expert that is willing to be pinged occasionally, please add yourself to the appropriate test or language README file.
  • Use your personal GitHub Actions queue: This one is mainly for your own sanity. Our main GitHub Actions queue can occasionally become clogged with so many pull requests that it takes a day to finish all the builds. If you create a fork, you will get your own build queue. This means 1) only your commits/branches are being verified, so there is no delay waiting for an unrelated pull request, and 2) you can cancel unneeded items. This does not affect our own GitHub Actions setup at all--any commits added to a pull request will be verifed as normal.
  • Read the README: We know that's cliche. However, our toolset drags in a lot of different concepts and frameworks, and it can really help to read the documentation and READMEs, such as this one, the ones inside specific language directories, and the ones inside specific framework directories.
  • Related Source Code Only: Don't include files that aren't required for the benchmarks. This may include functional tests, scripts that aren't related, unused boilerplate, or local development configs unrelated to TFB's environments.
  • Use Docker: We recommend that you use Docker instead of a virtual machine. This is even better than relying on the GitHub Actions verification, and you are strongly encouraged to use this. See the installation guide for specifics. Our Vagrant scripts can set up a VM for you if Docker is not an option.

Github Pull Request Procedure

If you'd like to submit a pull request for this documentation, see the about documentation page. Otherwise, follow the steps below.

  1. The branch that your branch will need to be based off of depends on the purpose of the pull request.
    • For a bug fix based on preview results, base your branch off of the next TFB round branch (round-#).
    • For anything else, base your branch off of master. These changes will show up in the following round, so if we are currently in preview for Round 14, any changes merged into master will be reflected in the Round 15 results.
    • Note: if we are not currently in a preview for an official round release, there will be no round-# branch and all fixes can be branched off of master.
  2. Submit your pull request from a branch in your forked repository to make changes and submit a pull request.
  3. (optional) Clean up your commit(s) to provide future contributors with more helpful information. Some sugguestions are:
    • Squash your commits into a clean, single commit (remove in-progress commits).
    • Rewrite your commit messages to be as detailed as possible.
  4. Fetch and rebase off of the appropriate TFB branch (round-# for a fix, master otherwise) prior to opening the pull request to ensure that your branch has the latest updates and a clean history.
  5. If your PR is fixing an issue, tag the issue in the PR body if you haven't done so in a commit. Just include the special keyword syntax, like "Resolves #1" and the issue will be automatically closed when your merge request is merged in.
  6. Open a PR from the branch on your repo with the target set to the appropriate TFB branch (round-# for a bugfix, master otherwise). The PR body will be prepopulated with a Pull Request Template explaining the appropriate branch to use, if you are unsure.

GitHub Issue Procedure

  • You can submit an issue for almost anything, but also consider that some assistance can be provided by contacting the community. Some valid (and encouraged!) example reasons to open an issue:
    • Found a bug
    • Framework/language README information out of date
  • Add any appropriate labels/milestone tags for easier identification.
  • If the issue is regarding this documentation, see the documentation page.

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