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Account App

Django custom app to handle account functionality in a Django Web Application such as creating users (for Authentication/Authorization) and user-profiles (to stored additional user data and configurations).


This application solves the overhead of having to build a custom django application for account management which uses email/password as authentication factors from scratch, the codebase is constantly updated and improved to fixed known bugs and vulnerability and improve efficiency.


  • ✔ Uses Email for User Authentication
  • ✔ Provides Profile Model which extends the User model to store non-authentication related data
  • ✔ Provides Support Both Vanilla Django (Template system) and Django RestFramework (Rest API)
    • ✔ User authentication and authorization using token-based authentication (Rest API)

Installation and Setup

  1. Clone the repo into a local machine:
    git clone
  2. Rename the repo directory to accounts and move into your Django project base directory (same level as
    mv accounts_app accounts
  3. Open the Folder (Containing your Django Project) in any IDE of your choice (you can optionally work from Your File Explorer view)
  4. Add the accounts.apps.AccountAppConfig to your list of installed application in your file
  5. Add the following lines to your project's settings (
    AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'accounts.User' 
    LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL = '/' # rethink this process 
    LOGIN_URL = 'accounts:login-account'
  6. Make sure this line is in your accounts file
    default_app_config = 'accounts.apps.AccountsConfig'
  7. Make sure this line is in your accounts file
    class AccountConfig(AppConfig):
        def ready(self):
            import signals
  8. All the following url paths to your project's main url file
    urlpatterns = [
        path('account/', include('accounts.api.urls'))
        path('account/', include(''))

Customize as it fits your needs

Api Endpoints

The API has the following endpoints for authentication

  • accounts/api/v1/api-token-auth/: Endpoint for obtaining tokens
  • accounts/api/v1/signup/ : Endpoint for Creating a user instance in the system
  • accounts/api/v1/login/ : Endpoint for Authenicating a user, returns auth token
  • accounts/api/v1/users/ : List all the user currently registered on the system


If you come across a piece of code that could benefit from an improvement, document process and reason for improvement, and create a pull request to the original repository


Brian Obot


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