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Collection of awesome KQL queries for use in Portal and via PowerShell - by @jesseloudon


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Azure Monitor KQL queries

⭐ Key Vault

Search for expiring Key Vault secrets and calculate Days till Expiry

| where ResourceProvider == 'MICROSOFT.KEYVAULT'
| where OperationName == 'SecretNearExpiryEventGridNotification'
| extend SecretExpire = unixtime_seconds_todatetime(eventGridEventProperties_data_EXP_d)
| extend SecretName = eventGridEventProperties_data_ObjectName_s
| extend DaysTillExpire = datetime_diff("Day", SecretExpire, now())
| project Resource,SecretName,DaysTillExpire

Azure Resource Graph KQL queries

Azure Portal KQL

Current Scope:

  • resource groups
  • virtual machines
  • public ip addresses
  • load balancers
  • sql databases
  • expressroute
  • web server farms / app services
  • network security group rules
  • disks
  • security assessments
  • azure policy

⭐ All Resources

Count all resources summarizing by count and ordering by count

| summarize count() by type 
| order by count_

⭐ Resource Groups

Count resource groups missing the costcentre tag

| where type == "microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups"
| where tags !contains 'costcentre'
| project name, resourceGroup, subscriptionId, location, tags
| summarize count () by subscriptionId

Count resource groups missing the application tag

| where type == "microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups"
| where tags !contains 'application'
| project name, resourceGroup, subscriptionId, location, tags
| summarize count () by subscriptionId

Query all tags for resource groups and resources

| where type == "microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups"
| project  name,type,location,subscriptionId,tags
| union (resources | project name,type,location,subscriptionId,tags)

Query all tags for resource groups and resources and expand tag names/values to individual rows

| where type == "microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups"
| mvexpand parsejson(tags)
| extend tagname = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0])
| extend tagvalue = tostring(tags[tagname])
| project  name,id,type,location,subscriptionId,tagname,tagvalue
| union (resources 
| mvexpand parsejson(tags)
| extend tagname = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0])
| extend tagvalue = tostring(tags[tagname])
| project name,id,type,location,subscriptionId,tagname,tagvalue)

⭐ Virtual Machines

Query virtual machines and return VM size

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
| project vmName = name, vmSize=tostring(properties.hardwareProfile.vmSize), vmId = id

⭐ Public IP Addresses

Query resources for a specific publicIPAddress

| where type contains 'publicIPAddresses' and properties.ipAddress == "12.345.678.910"

⭐ Load Balancers

Query load balancers that are Standard SKU

| where type == "" and == "Standard"

⭐ SQL Databases

Query sql databases that do not contain the name Master

| where type == "microsoft.sql/servers/databases" and name notcontains "master"

⭐ ExpressRoute

Query virtual network gateways that are ExpressRoute type

| where type == "" and properties.gatewayType == "ExpressRoute"

Query network connections that are ExpressRoute type

| where type == "" and properties.connectionType == "ExpressRoute"

⭐ Web Server Farms / App Services

Count numberOfWorkers for web server farms

| where type == "microsoft.web/serverfarms"
| summarize count () by tostring(properties.numberOfWorkers)

Query web sites that are not functionapp

| where type == "microsoft.web/sites" and kind notcontains "functionapp"

⭐ Network Security Group Rules

Query network security groups across all subscriptions expanding securityRules

| where type =~ ""
| join kind=leftouter (ResourceContainers | where type=='microsoft.resources/subscriptions' | project SubcriptionName=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId
| mv-expand rules=properties.securityRules
| extend rule_name = tostring(
| extend direction = tostring(
| extend priority = toint(
| extend access =
| extend description =
| extend protocol =
| extend sourceprefix =
| extend sourceport =
| extend sourceApplicationSecurityGroups = split((split(tostring(, '/'))[8], '"')[0]
| extend destprefix =
| extend destport =
| extend destinationApplicationSecurityGroups = split((split(tostring(, '/'))[8], '"')[0]
| extend subnet_name = split((split(tostring(properties.subnets), '/'))[10], '"')[0]
| project SubcriptionName, resourceGroup, subnet_name, name, rule_name, direction, priority, access, description, protocol, sourceport, sourceprefix, sourceApplicationSecurityGroups, destport, destprefix, destinationApplicationSecurityGroups
| sort by SubcriptionName, resourceGroup, name asc, direction asc, priority asc

⭐ Disks

Query microsoft.compute/disks

| where type == "microsoft.compute/disks"
| extend diskSizeGB = tostring(properties.diskSizeGB)
| extend timeCreated = tostring(properties.timeCreated)
| extend diskState = tostring(properties.diskState)
| project name,type,location,resourceGroup,diskState,diskSizeGB,timeCreated,managedBy

⭐ Security Assessments

Query and show distinct values

| where type == ""
| extend description = tostring(properties.metadata.description)
| extend displayName = tostring(properties.displayName)
| extend severity = tostring(properties.metadata.severity)
| extend remediationDescription = tostring(properties.metadata.remediationDescription)
| extend policyDefinitionId = tostring(properties.metadata.policyDefinitionId)
| extend implementationEffort = tostring(properties.metadata.implementationEffort)
| extend userImpact = tostring(properties.metadata.userImpact)
| distinct name, description, displayName, severity, remediationDescription, policyDefinitionId, implementationEffort, userImpact

⭐ Azure Policy

Query policy states filtering on 'NonCompliant' results

| where type == "microsoft.policyinsights/policystates"
| where properties.complianceState == 'NonCompliant'
| extend policyAssignmentParameters = todynamic(properties.policyAssignmentParameters),
policyDefinitionAction = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionAction),
policyAssignmentScope = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentScope),
policyAssignmentName = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentName),
policyDefinitionName = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionName),
policyDefinitionId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionId),
 policyAssignmentId = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentId),
managementGroupIds = tostring(properties.managementGroupIds),
policyDefinitionReferenceId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionReferenceId),
complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState),
policySetDefinitionCategory = tostring(properties.policySetDefinitionCategory),
subscriptionId = tostring(properties.subscriptionId),
policySetDefinitionName = tostring(properties.policySetDefinitionName),
policySetDefinitionId = tostring(properties.policySetDefinitionId),
resourceType = tostring(properties.resourceType),
policyDefinitionGroupNames = todynamic(properties.policyDefinitionGroupNames),
stateWeight = toint(properties.stateWeight),
 resourceId = tostring(properties.resourceId),
isDeleted = tobool(properties.isDeleted),
timestamp = tostring(properties.timestamp)
| project timestamp,resourceId,resourceGroup,resourceType,complianceState,stateWeight,policyAssignmentName,policyAssignmentScope,policyAssignmentParameters,policySetDefinitionId,policySetDefinitionName,policySetDefinitionCategory,policyDefinitionId,policyDefinitionName,policyDefinitionAction,policyDefinitionReferenceId,policyDefinitionGroupNames,managementGroupIds,subscriptionId

Query Azure Security Benchmark compliance across all subscriptions

// Regulatory compliance CSV report query for standard "Azure Security Benchmark" 
// Change the 'complianceStandardId' column condition to select a different standard
    | where type == ""
    | extend complianceStandardId = replace( "-", " ", extract(@'/regulatoryComplianceStandards/([^/]*)', 1, id))
    | where complianceStandardId ==  "Azure Security Benchmark"
    | extend failedResources = toint(properties.failedResources), passedResources = toint(properties.passedResources),skippedResources = toint(properties.skippedResources)
    | where failedResources + passedResources + skippedResources > 0 or properties.assessmentType == "MicrosoftManaged"
    | join kind = leftouter(
    | where type == "") on subscriptionId, name
    | extend complianceState = tostring(properties.state)
    | extend resourceSource = tolower(tostring(properties1.resourceDetails.Source))
    | extend recommendationId = iff(isnull(id1) or isempty(id1), id, id1)
    | extend resourceId = trim(' ', tolower(tostring(case(resourceSource =~ 'azure', properties1.resourceDetails.Id,
                                                        resourceSource =~ 'gcp', properties1.resourceDetails.GcpResourceId,
                                                        resourceSource =~ 'aws' and isnotempty(tostring(properties1.resourceDetails.ConnectorId)), properties1.resourceDetails.Id,
                                                        resourceSource =~ 'aws', properties1.resourceDetails.AwsResourceId,
    | extend regexResourceId = extract_all(@"/providers/[^/]+(?:/([^/]+)/[^/]+(?:/[^/]+/[^/]+)?)?/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$", resourceId)[0]
    | extend resourceType = iff(resourceSource =~ "aws" and isnotempty(tostring(properties1.resourceDetails.ConnectorId)), tostring(properties1.additionalData.ResourceType), iff(regexResourceId[1] != "", regexResourceId[1], iff(regexResourceId[0] != "", regexResourceId[0], "subscriptions")))
    | extend resourceName = tostring(regexResourceId[2])
    | extend recommendationName = name
    | extend recommendationDisplayName = tostring(iff(isnull(properties1.displayName) or isempty(properties1.displayName), properties.description, properties1.displayName))
    | extend description = tostring(properties1.metadata.description)
    | extend remediationSteps = tostring(properties1.metadata.remediationDescription)
    | extend severity = tostring(properties1.metadata.severity)
    | extend azurePortalRecommendationLink = tostring(properties1.links.azurePortal)
    | extend complianceStandardId = replace( "-", " ", extract(@'/regulatoryComplianceStandards/([^/]*)', 1, id))
    | extend complianceControlId = extract(@"/regulatoryComplianceControls/([^/]*)", 1, id)
    | mvexpand statusPerInitiative = properties1.statusPerInitiative
                | extend expectedInitiative = statusPerInitiative.policyInitiativeName =~ "ASC Default"
                | summarize arg_max(expectedInitiative, *) by complianceControlId, recommendationId
                | extend state = iff(expectedInitiative, tolower(statusPerInitiative.assessmentStatus.code), tolower(properties1.status.code))
                | extend notApplicableReason = iff(expectedInitiative, tostring(statusPerInitiative.assessmentStatus.cause), tostring(properties1.status.cause))
                | project-away expectedInitiative
    | project complianceStandardId, complianceControlId, complianceState, subscriptionId, resourceGroup = resourceGroup1 ,resourceType, resourceName, resourceId, recommendationId, recommendationName, recommendationDisplayName, description, remediationSteps, severity, state, notApplicableReason, azurePortalRecommendationLink
    | join kind = leftouter (securityresources
    | where type == ""
    | extend complianceStandardId = replace( "-", " ", extract(@'/regulatoryComplianceStandards/([^/]*)', 1, id))
    | where complianceStandardId == "Azure Security Benchmark"
    | extend  controlName = tostring(properties.description)
    | project controlId = name, controlName
    | distinct  *) on $right.controlId == $left.complianceControlId
    | project-away controlId
    | distinct *
    | order by complianceControlId asc, recommendationId asc

PowerShell KQL

⭐ AzGraph Queries w/ export to JSON

Current Scope:

  • resource groups
  • virtual networks
  • redis cache
  • availability sets
  • disks
  • virtual machines
  • virtual machine extensions
  • virtual machine scale sets
  • managed clusters
  • data factories
  • key vaults
  • application security groups
  • load balancers
  • network interfaces
  • public IP addresses
  • search services
  • service bus namespaces
  • sql managed instances
  • storage accounts
  • web server farms
  • websites
  • notification hubs
# Install the Resource Graph module from PowerShell Gallery
Install-Module -Name Az.ResourceGraph

# Set a local File Path for JSON export
$FilePath = "C:\Temp\"

# Query resources, project away columns, and convert/export to JSON
$resourceGroups = Search-AzGraph -Query "ResourceContainers | project-away resourceGroup,managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,sku,plan,properties,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\ResourceGroups.json

$virtualNetworks = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == '' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,sku,plan,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\VirtualNetworks.json

$redis = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.cache/redis' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,sku,plan,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\Redis.json

$availabilitySets = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.compute/availabilitysets' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,sku,plan,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\AvailabilitySets.json

$disks = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.compute/disks' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,plan,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\Disks.json

$virtualMachines = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,plan,sku,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\VirtualMachines.json

$virtualMachinesExtensions = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/extensions' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,plan,sku,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\VirtualMachinesExtensions.json

$virtualMachinesScaleSets = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,plan,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\VirtualMachinesScaleSets.json

$managedClusters = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,plan,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\ManagedClusters.json

$dataFactories = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.datafactory/factories' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,plan,sku,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\DataFactories.json

$appInsights = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.insights/components' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,plan,sku,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\AppInsights.json

$keyVaults = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.keyvault/vaults' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,plan,sku,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\KeyVaults.json

$applicationSecurityGroups = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == '' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,plan,sku,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\ApplicationSecurityGroups.json

$loadBalancers = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == '' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,plan,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\LoadBalancers.json

$networkInterfaces = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == '' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,plan,sku,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\NetworkInterfaces.json

$publicIPAddresses = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == '' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,plan,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\PublicIPAddresses.json

$searchServices = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == '' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,plan,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\SearchServices.json

$serviceBusNamespaces = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.servicebus/namespaces' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,plan,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\ServiceBusNamespaces.json

$sqlManagedInstances = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.sql/managedinstances' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,zones,extendedLocation,plan,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\SqlManagedInstances.json

$storageAccounts = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == '' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,plan,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\StorageAccounts.json

$webServerFarms = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.web/serverfarms' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,identity,zones,extendedLocation,plan,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\WebServerFarms.json

$webSites = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.web/sites' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,zones,extendedLocation,plan,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\WebSites.json

$notificationHubs = Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.notificationhubs/namespaces/notificationhubs' or type == 'microsoft.notificationhubs/namespaces' | project-away managedBy,tenantId,zones,extendedLocation,plan,kind,type,subscriptionId" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $FilePath\NotificationHubs.json