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Releases: krayin/laravel-crm


06 Sep 10:14
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✨ Enhancement

  • #1583 - Workflow create and edit page ui enhancement.

  • #1580 - Donut chart, ui enhancement.

  • #1570 - Kanban Leads add empty placeholder.

  • #1575 - sidebar menu width.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #1584 - User is not being saved when status is not active.

  • #1582 - Remove unused links of font family.

  • #1581 - Product Inventories Migration have be updated.

  • #1576 - Database Table prefix does not working while installation from CLI and GUI.

  • #1574 - Inline component ui issues.

  • #1573 - Add missing mail inbound parse route.

  • #1572 - Fix modal ui issues.

  • #1571 - Fixed lookup component.

  • #1560 - Add description to leads view


30 Aug 12:33
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✨ Enhancement

  • #1492 Mega Search.

  • #1501 - Fixed vite helpers.

  • #1484 - Adjustment done for all the attribute entities.

  • #1374 - DataGrid searchable dropdown.

  • #1515 - Activity deleting method added to activity trait's modal.

  • #1516 - Add Support pdf for arabic language.

  • #1525 - Update Activity Log Traits.

  • #1523 - Add value-label props to inline component for showing custom input value.

  • #1543 - Fix validation attributes with enums.

  • #1540 - Inline allow editable or not.

  • #1457 - Fixed Ui Issues.

  • #1460 - Mail View Dark Mode.

  • #1462 - Refactor Lead index page.

  • #1466 - Fixed accordion border issue.

  • #1552 - Automation Entity.

  • #1467 - Fix stage for rtl remove publishable folder and old css file.

  • #1557 - Fix script tag in webform embed.

  • #1529 - Log activity refactor.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #1558 - Fix DataGrid not refresh when performing the mass action.

  • #1527 - Create Webform, There click on Add Attribute Button we can see that the translation is missing.

  • #1549 - Fixed webform is not creating the leads and redirecting to the dashboard.

  • #1450 - After fresh Installation when we click on the link it is not redirected to Admin login page.

  • #1520 - Unable to add location in the warehouse when we have added location first time and again adding them.

  • #1538 - Person View Page.

  • #1519 - Getting warning issue when adding inventory in products.

  • #1472 - Create a new quote and there in Quote Items we can see UI issue in Quantity and Price Input Fields.

  • #1535 - Fix Leads stages won/lost date add validations to date component.

  • #1545 - Unable to see List of Leads in List mode in Other ACL User.

  • #1541 - Assigned a Lead Role to a user and gave permission for Create, Edit and View, Exceptional Error is appearing.

  • #1485 - UI issue in Action Buttons -> They must be centre aligned.

  • #1404 - Translation missing -> Trying to login an Inactive User.

  • #1482 - Updated Address details in Warehouse format is not appropriate.

  • #1520 - Unable to add location in the warehouse when we have added location first time and again adding them.

  • #1528 - Checked and Found Console Error on Dashboard.

  • #1521 - UI issue is appearing in product View add location section.

  • #1518 - Add View Render events.

  • #1530 - UI Issues.

  • #1526 - Fixed view actions and sticky the right bar.

  • #1517 - Fix Leads Stages.

  • #1486 - Inactive Users are also visible in Lead Create, Sales Owner Dropdown.

  • #1502 - Getting 500 Internal Server Error in Console and Exceptional Error in Dashboard Calender Same Day Filter applied.

  • #1503 - Getting Console Error and Blank Page when we edit the Lead and there when we click About Lead.

  • #1506 - Fix settings tags view create and update.

  • #1481 - The same details are being updated across multiple warehouse locations.

  • #1477 - After creating a note and attaching file in Product View Page, we can only see the updated details when we refresh the page.

  • #1415 - UI issue in adding Contact Person In Leads Section.

  • #1403 - Created a new admin user and set the status to Inactive. However, after saving, we can see the status as Active.

  • #1458 - While sending Mail, Draft button must be disable.


23 Aug 12:50
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v2.0.0-BETA-1 Pre-release

✨ Enhancement

  • New, attractive UI design using Tailwind CSS.

  • #1271 Set both these accounts set as individual and yet they still see all the contacts even though they are also in different groups.

  • #1048 Dashboard Pie Chart

  • #791 Should have a responsive design on mobile

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #1198 Sent Mail details are appearing in Inbox.

  • #1298 Toggle button is currently on the sidebar, in the menu section. This is not the perfect place for it .The toggle button is confusing right now

  • #1403 Created a new admin user and set the status to Inactive. However, after saving, we can see the status as Active.

  • #1405 Status Color is missing for Inactive.

  • #1406 Blank Page and console error is appearing when we click on Tags Section in Settings.

  • #1411 Unappropriated Warning Message is appearing when we send a mail In Leads.

  • #1418 Mail Section Checkbox's are missing

  • #1421 While sending Mail, Draft button must be disable.

  • #1424 Unable to Figure out which view is selected in List View mode, as it is not highlighted.

  • #1431 Arabic Local Entry is appearing twice in General Configuration.

  • #1432 Create Pipeline -> Delete the stage -> Warning message not appearing.

  • #1433 Unable to add Note and Files in Products. Getting issue Illegal operator and value combination.

  • #1437 Getting Console Error when we Edit SKU and Inventory in Product View Page. Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 405 (Method Not Allowed)

  • #1438 Favicon Icon for Krayin must be available.

  • #1445 Getting Exceptional Error when we click on the Product Number in Warehouse Datagrid.

  • #1450 After fresh Installation when we click on the link it is not redirected to Admin login page.

  • #1459 Getting Exceptional error when creating a Contact Person and then we fill the required field and then click save button we can see exceptional error.


21 Jun 09:43
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✨ Enhancement

  • Webhook feature added in the workflow

  • Upgraded the Laravel framework to version 10, incorporating the latest features and enhancements for improved performance, security, and developer experience and Installer package.

🐛 Bug Fixes

#1262 - Fix issue while save activity.

#1198 - Sent Mail details are appearing in Inbox.

#1242 - On the filter section -> In Date field filter so should be value fixed if page refresh randomly.

#1139 - If the admin is trying to filter the mails then the filter labels are not translating in Arabic locale.

#1146 - Text is overriding with icons in the side bar.

#1196 - Delete person icon is visible for the unauthorized user roles who don't have person delete permission.

#1139 - If the admin is trying to filter the mails then the filter labels are not translating in Arabic locale.

#1225 - Not allow to create new person with same email id once it deleted from person or organization.

#11532 - Bug: Duplicate cards on Kanban view after search.

#1113 - Unable to check PHP errors, issue with exception handler.

#1220 - On the filter section -> if we want to remove the filter option then it should work.

#1239 - When we create a web form and create a persons from here so in contact phone no. field is not taking validation, here added with letters also .

#1222 - Unable to edit the lead.

#1214 - Lead generation - Sales owner must be limited only to the users of the same group.

#1190 - When create custom attribute related to quotes not displayed in create form.

#1211 - Notes - No newlines shown.

#1215 - Composer.lock not up to date.

#1172 - Checkbox not showing in webforms

#1240 - When we download or print pdf of quote option then grand total field shows wrong value in showing table.

#1148 - Edit button open new tab on Persons, Product, Organization.


21 Sep 08:17
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✨ Features

  • #816 - There should be an option to filter the expired quotes

  • #374 - Add Drag and Drop functionality to attach files.

✨ Enhancement

  • #1073 - The section should be removed from the dashboard for which the user has no permission.

  • #1013 - Add support to php 8.1

  • #974 - There should be an option for copy the Embed in web form

  • #947 - There is no option for update leads stages using workflow

  • #847 - There should be a loader before success message when the user is trying to submit the web-form

  • #821 - There is no option to filter the system/custom attributes..

  • #802 - Only the filtered data should be exported if the user is trying to export data after applying the filter.

  • #764 - There should be an option to filter all rotten leads

  • #663 - There should be an option to print quotes in the quote table if the user is trying to print multiple quotes at a time.

  • #435 - There should be an option for a "move to trash" when a customer trying to delete the inbox mail.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #1091 - The date filter is not working if the admin is selecting the same date on from and to fields.

  • #1088 - The user should not be able to view the leads by link leads option, if the user has no permission, to view leads.

  • #1087 - The filter label should be visible if the admin is trying to filter the attributes.

  • #1085 - There should be a astricts icon for the required field when the admin is creating the roles.

  • #1071 - The user should be login with a message screen if the user has no permission to access any tab

  • #1063 - The date filter's should be on the left side of the calendar. if the admin is trying to filter the dashboard data.

  • #1008 - The admin is not able to send the email by using the compose option.

  • #885 - There should not be any translation issue on the person table.

  • #792 - The custom tab should be active when the user is trying to filter activity by custom date.


25 Aug 18:23
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✨ Features

  • #991 - Export option for Leads Table

  • Webform Feature Added

✨ Enhancement

  • #951 - The Web form should be open in the next tab

  • #924 - by default the cursor should remain on the email textbox

  • #895 - There should be a dropdown instead of inputbox in the lead source filter.

  • #893 - There should be an option to view the web form in the webform table.

  • #840 - There is no option if the admin is trying to filter the leads from the web form.

  • #830 - There should be the logo of krayin CRM in the web form

  • #826 - There should be a logo for the webform

  • #799 - The page should be redirected to the organization page if the user is clicking on the organization name.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #900 - There is a translation issue on the compose section inside the mails.

  • #885 - There should not be any translation issue on the person table

  • #867 - There should not be any translation issue on the mails.

  • #950 - WebForm check unique email and phone number from users instead of contacts.

  • #852 - There should not be any translation issue in the dashboard

  • #801 - The user should not be able to view the leads in the dashboard without permisson.

  • #732 - The user should not be able to view the admin's leads if the user has individual permission.

  • #1055 - The admin should be able to change the app locale from the configuration.

  • #1036 - The required functionality is not working if the admin is creating an attribute with required property

  • #1032 - Issue with action attribute input field in workflow form

  • #1021 - The admin is not able to create and edit any role.

  • #1020 - Intermittent 500 error when admin is adding an activity

  • #1014 -Problems with Spanish translation of the calendar and form alerts.

  • #1008 - The admin is not able to send the email by using the compose option.

  • #984 - There is a translation issue in the header section.

  • #979 - There is an exception. if the admin is trying to edit the user's account.

  • #965 - There is a translation issue when the user is trying to delete the mail.

  • #943 - There is a UI issue on side bar.

  • #942 - There should be an option of give permission for view web form.

  • #936 - The warning message also should should be translate.

  • #931 - If a user is changing the locale of his panel, then the locale is being changed for all the users.

  • #928 - Translation is missing for Web form package

  • #926 - sidebar must be scrollable

  • #919 - There is a translation issue if user is trying to delete any quote from lead.

  • #918 - The placeholder value is not showing, when the user is trying to edit the web form.

  • #916 - There should not translation issue in the pipeline.

  • #911 - The user should not be able to update the lead if there is any warning in input field

  • #910 - There should be a asterisk icon for required field in web form.

  • #909 - All lead related tabs are missing inside lead view page.

  • #908 - There should not translation issue in the leads section.

  • #899 - The downloaded data is not in a proper format if the user is trying to download the persons table

  • #896 - There is an UI issue in the Activity table

  • #887 - There is a translation issue on the Attributes table.

  • #884 - There is a translation issue on the leads filter

  • #883 - There should not any UI issue on Users list

  • #878 - There should not be any Translation issue on quotes

  • #877 - There is a UI issue inside the quote

  • #874 - The user should be able to update the Customize Web Form.

  • #868 - The warning message should be correct in the web form.

  • #866 - There should not be any translation issue on the leads page.

  • #865 - There should not be any UI issue on the leads page.

  • #859 - The warning message should be in the correct format

  • #858 - There is a translation issue in the user profile section.

  • #856 - There should not be any translation issue in the leads

  • #855 - There is a UI issue on the leads table.

  • #853 - here should not be any translation issue in the webform.

  • #848 - There should be a placeholder in the web form if the placeholder is provided by the admin.

  • #846 - Translation issue on Dashboard

  • #845 - Translation issue on activity

  • #844 - There is a UI issue on the leads table

  • #843 - UI issue on the activity table

  • #842 - There should be a 404 error page if the user is trying to open the deleted web form.

  • #841 - The Sales Person should be shown in the leads table.

  • #834 - The webform page should also be translated according to the selected language.

  • #825 - The checkbox should not be disabled for the custom attributes

  • #824 - The success message is not correct if the user is updating the webform

  • #823 - There is not a good UI if the user is trying to preview the webform.

  • #822 - There is an exception when the user is trying to create a new webform

  • #817 - missing translation for Image upload section

  • #815 -The Person image should be uploaded.

  • #810 - There is not proper translation on the contact tab.

  • #809 - There is no success/warning message on any operation when the user changing locale into Arabic
    fixedpage should be redirected to the organization page if the user is clicking on the organization name.

  • #797 - There should not any exception when the user is creating a new person.

  • #794 - There should not be an exception when the user is trying to edit the person.

  • #788 - The Expected Close Date can not be less than the created date.

  • #787 - The success and warning message should be clickable.

  • #785 - The user should be able to edit the Activity.

  • #777 - The page should not be crash. if the user is trying to enter the blade value into the input field.

  • #774 - There should not be an exception If the user is trying to delete the person's image.

  • #170 - If admin Inactive any user who is logged in on CRM then the user should automatically logged out


03 Dec 17:07
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #435 - There should be an option for a "move to trash" when a customer trying to delete the inbox mail.

  • #692 - The page should be redirected to the leads of the same pipeline for which the user is creating/editing the lead.

  • #698 - There should be an option to remove the profile picture.

  • #699 - The color of rotten leads should be the same on the kanban view and list view.

  • #700 - There should be an option for lead id on the leads table.

  • #701 - There should be a warning message if the user is trying to create a new person with the same details.

  • #704 - The top leads and the top customers should be visible in the dashboard.

  • #709 - The user should not be able to update activity without permission.

  • #710 - There is no option for the lead when the user is trying to edit any activity.

  • #712 - The success message is showing repeatedly.

  • #714 - The probability of new stage should not disabled for any pipeline

  • #719 - Dashboard data is not showing according to login use

  • #720 - Option for location is not present inside Activity placeholder

  • #722 - There should be a warning message if the user is typing the wrong number format.

  • #723 - The warning message should not be visible if the user is trying to edit the attribute.

  • #724 - There is no option to view the lost reason for the lost lead

  • #727 - Sales pipeline not showing properly

  • #735 - Input validation's dropdown should be according to attribute type.

  • #737 - The UI design of the contact person. the section should be correct.

  • #741 - The format of the Activity table should be correct.

  • #742 - The model box should be closed automatically after exporting the data.

  • #748 - The format of a person's data should be correct after exporting to excel

  • #761 - There should not be an error if the user is trying to edit the attributes.

  • #762 - There is no option to give permission to download data

  • #763 - The page should be redirected to the leads when the user is clicking on any lead

  • #721 - Link mails are not showing inside the mail tab.

  • #755 - There is no option to apply validation for image attributes


12 Nov 16:26
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✨ Features

  • Calendar view added for activities

  • Admin profile picture feature implemented

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #308 - There should be a warning message if the user creating multiple persons with the same details.

  • #315 - The participants should not be added to multiple activities at the same time.

  • #323 - There should be an option to upload user profile picture

  • #343 - There should be an option to view lead on dashboard.

  • #373 - The color of quote should be red which is expired.

  • #453 - The warning message should be removed after fill data in the Reply section.

  • #463 - When SKU was made not compulsory, and when we add the product, it shows a junk code in the screen

  • #496 - There should be a dropdown according to the default pipeline instead of an input box when the user trying to filter leads by stage.

  • #501 - There should be an option to change activity status in activity table.

  • #504 - There should be a warning message if the user is adding the same email and contact number multiple time

  • #511 - There should not be print the JSON data when the user clicking on the back arrow.

  • #535 - There should be an option of created date, when user trying to view the lead.

  • #572 - There should be an option for searching the "Tag" in global search bar and in Filter also.

  • #582 - There should be a loader before the success message When the user trying to mark as done any activity.

  • #596 - There should be an option to give permission to download a quote

  • #634 - The color of Won lead should be green in the dashboard.

  • #635 - The filters should work properly when the user is trying to filter the lead by the contact person.

  • #636 - The number of activities should be correct in the dashboard.

  • #637 - There should not be any warning message when the user is trying to filter organization by Person count

  • #638 - The attached file should be visible in the reply section if any.

  • #639 - The name of the filter should be correct.

  • #647 - The Expected close date should be correct when the user is selecting the current date for the expected closed date.

  • #648 - The name of the leads filter should be correct.

  • #653 - There should be a warning message when the user is trying to add multiple "Types" with the same name.

  • #661 - There should be a loader before the success message When the user trying to update activity status.

  • #668 - The name of the filter should be correct when the user is trying to filter activity by the type.

  • #671 - There should be one more option of 'select status' when the user is trying to filter activity by 'Is Done' filter.

  • #672 - The 'Expired At' time should be correct when the user is selecting the current date for 'Expired At'.

  • #679 - When the user is clicking on 'Sales Person', then the page should be redirected to the person's page.

  • #678 - The stage we are deleting from the pipeline, the leads of that stage should not be deleted.

  • #685 - There should not be any warning when the user is trying to delete that lead for which the workflow was created

  • #692 - The page should be redirected to the leads of the same pipeline for which the user is creating the lead.

  • #691 - There should not be an exception when the user is trying to create a new lead.


01 Nov 15:38
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✨ Features

  • Pipeline feature implemented

  • Quick create option implemented

  • Brand new setting page implemented

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #138 - fix column spacing in quotes inside the respective leads

  • #170 - If admin Inactive any user who is logged in on CRM then the user should automatically logged out

  • #171 - When admin/user logged in to their panel then the name of logged in user should be mention to the top right corner

  • #192 - When we appying the filters to search leads . then the end date input should not take the date which is less then start date.

  • #196 - When we creating Attributes after choosing select from type dropdown and options from options dropdown . Then Input Validation field should be disabled.

  • #204 - When we creating activity and selecting date in 'To' input box which is less then 'From' date. Inside schedule label. then it should give an error.

  • #255 - When the user trying to create/edit Activity. then there should be a suggestion in placeholder of Participants input field for search Participants.

  • #265 - The user or person should not be add into participants which is already added as a participants.

  • #277 - When we trying to delete any lead. then There should be a confirm box before delete lead.

  • #280 - Filters should be visible to filter the leads.

  • #281 - When we are creating Note. Then ' Note created successfully ' should be show in message box.

  • #282 - There should be a scrollbar to scroll the leads inside lead tab.

  • #283 - The date filter should work properly in leads section

  • #285 - When we are deleting any Note. then there should be a confirm box before delete Note

  • #286 - When we are removing the search keyword from the search box inside lead. then there should be visible all leads

  • #287 - When we are adding a person, then there should be a suggestion in organization input field

  • #288 - When we are trying to delete multiple persons at a time, then there should be a confirm box before delete person

  • #289 - When we are trying to delete multiple Leads at a time, then there should be a confirm box before delete the Lead.

  • #296 - When we are deleting any Note. Then ' Note deleted successfully ' should be show in message box

  • #297 - Search box should be work properly. when we are searching any attribute

  • #298 - The status is not updating of login user and showing 'User updated successfully'.

  • #299 - Search box should be work properly. when we are searching any user

  • #300 - When we are creating the lead then The color should be change of the tab after filled all the required fields

  • #301 - Search box should be work properly. when we are searching any Quote

  • #305 - The Warning message should be show, if the user adding same product again and again in quote items.

  • #306 - There should be a option to select date in created at' input field, if user want to filter activities.

  • #309 - When we applying filters to search activities . then filters should be work properly to search activities

  • #313 - There should be a option to delete multiple activites at a time

  • #318 - There should be a option to select date in created date input field, if user want to filter the inbox mails.

  • #319 - There should be a warning message, if user creating activities for less then current schedule time

  • #321 - The filter should be work properly, when user filter activity by lead name.

  • #324 - Popup box should not show until we select any action

  • #325 - The inbox mail detail should be visible, if we want to view any inbox mail.

  • #334 - Page should be redirect to inbox. after delete mail with success message.

  • #337 - Page should be redirect to inbox. after send mail

  • #338 - HTML code should not be visible in attachment place.

  • #341 - Search box should be work properly. when we are searching any Lead

  • #351 - Fix column spacing in Inbox inside the mail tab

  • #352 - There should not be any exception. if user want to filter inbox mail.

  • #354 - The date filter should be work properly in Activity tab.

  • #361 - There should be a submit button if we want to filter dashboard data using date

  • #363 - Search box should be work properly. when we are searching any Organizations

  • #364 - There should not be any error if we are adding new organization.

  • #367 - The filter should be work properly, when user trying to filter Attributes by type

  • #368 - There should be a option to edit the tag

  • #369 - The filters should be work properly, if user trying to filter tags.

  • #372 - There should be a option to delete the multiple tags at a time.

  • #377 - Date input fields should be cleared, after click on cross icon.

  • #378 - The details of contact person should be fill automatically.

  • #380 - The person should be received mail , after delete person. if we have create a workflow for the same.

  • #381 - The Created by field should be visible only one time in activity table.

  • #384 - The default image should be show in product section.

  • #386 - There should be asterisk icon in Quote item.

  • #396 - The contact number field should not take the blank value.

  • #397 - The input fields should be shown to add product

  • #398 - Filters should be work properly in quote.

  • #399 - There should not be an exception when we are trying to view inbox mail.

  • #400 - The mails should be deleted when the user trying to delete multiple emails at a time.

  • #402 - The user should have the option to compose mail.

  • #403 - The person attributes should be shown inside the placeholder.

  • #404 - The filters should be work properly in the activity section.

  • #407 - The filters should work properly in the activity section.

  • #410 - Filters should be work properly in the activity section

  • #411 - There should not be an exception when the user trying to edit any role.

  • #412 - The page should not be asked to choose file when we are trying to view draft mails

  • #413 - There should not be an exception when user trying to create a lead.

  • #415 - There should not be a blank option in the activity type dropdown when the user is trying to create an activity.

  • #416 - There should be a dropdown instead of an input box when the user trying to filter activities by type.

  • #419 - There should be a suggestion for users to search for products.

  • #420 - There should be a warning message if the user trying to delete the leads when the user has no permission to delete the leads.

  • #422 - There should be an option to create tags if the user has permission to create a tag.

  • #426 - The mails should be visible in the inbox.

  • #427 - The ' To ' field should not take a blank value when the user trying to compose a mail.

  • #432 - The search box should not take the blank value.

  • #433 - There should be a dropdown instead of the input box when the user trying to filter the pipeline by " is Default" .

  • #434 - The person id should be visible in the person table.

  • #436 - Filters should work properly in the Attributes section.

  • #441 - The calculation should be correct when the user trying to create the quote.

  • #447 - The delete icon should not be visible when the user is adding only one product in the quote item.

  • #448 - The Leads should be visible in the lead's table.

  • #452 - There should be a field of created date in the quote table.

  • #459 - At least one pipeline should be the default pipeline.

  • #460 - When we are trying to create a new user, then it should not give a warning message.

  • #465 - There should be ' Select user ' instead of 'User' in the Leads filter.

  • #471 - There should be an error if the user trying to create multiple sources with the same name.

  • #479 - There should a warning message when the user trying to enter the character in the quantity input field

  • #481 - There should a warning message when the user trying to enter the character in the Price and discount input field.

  • #482 - Date inputs should be blank when the user is removing the date filters.

  • #484 - When the user trying to see Leads Over Time leads from the dashboard, then only Leads Over Time leads should be visible on the leads table.

  • #485 - When the user trying to add multiple-stage with the same name in the pipeline, then there should a warning message instead of an exception.

  • #488 - When the user trying to click on submit button without selecting any action, then there should be a warning for select any action to perform.

  • #489 - There should be a warning message if the user trying to add the same tag multiple times in a lead.

  • #492 - There should be a warning message if the user trying to edit leads [by drag and drop] without permission.

  • #495 - The user should not be able to edit leads without permission.

  • #498 - There should be a success message after reply on mail.

  • #499 - There should be an option to give permissions-related quotes to a role.

  • #500 - The user should log out automatically if the user has no permission for any tab.

  • #504 - There should be a warning message if the user is adding the same email and contact number multiple time

  • #505 - The user should be redirected to the login page after deleting the self account.

  • #512 - There should not be any exception when the user trying to view the lead.

  • #514 - The user should not be able to select the date greater than today in the created date input field.

  • #530 - The user should not be able to delete tags if the user has no permission for the same.

  • #531 - The Add stage and Save as pipeline buttons should not be disabled when the user removing the duplicate stage

  • #534 - The user should not be able to add a tag on a lead if the user has no permission for edit the lead.

  • #541 - 'Expected Close Date' should not be less than Created date

  • #542 - T...

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23 Sep 17:00
Choose a tag to compare

✨ Features

  • Refactored data grid code

  • Add app version in admin ui

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #244 - The modal box should be open if we click on add lead button of the leads page.

  • #251 - While Adding a new attribute Entity Type field should be come only one time.

  • #255 - When we creating Activity. then there should be a suggestion in placeholder of Participants input field for search Participants.

  • #257 - [BUG] SKU Validation Bug

  • #260 - When we changing the lead stage to Won/Lost. then date icon should be visible in Closed Date input field.

  • #263 - When we are creating a activity and selecting persons for participants. then persons name should be visible below Participants input box.

  • #269 - [BUG] Add Lead Buttons Do Nothing

  • #270 - When we are creating multiple group with the same details. then there should be a warning message

  • #272 - When we are creating multiple Organizations with the same details. then there should be a warning message