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Zogoo edited this page Jan 14, 2021 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the saml_idp wiki

This gem concentrates on SAML 2.0 IdP features. Currently we are supporting SSO and SLO feature mainly. It's welcome to open request if you need more features from SAML 2.0 protocols. Please don't forget to add your use case and configuration if it's required to analyze your request.

If you need to help for your issues or if you are struggling to use this gem, we are welcome to any questions. Saml IdP gitter room Please don't expect quick answers because we are a non profitable community.

In this wiki page we will try to cover how to integrate this gem with your application.

Rails application

If you are going to integrate this gem with Rails application you may want to check following Wiki page.

How to integrate with Rails application

Sinatra application

If you are going to integrate this gem with Sinatra application you may want to check following Wiki page.

<TODO: Add sinatra guide>

IdP configuration

Beside of controller logic you need to configure this gem with SamlIdp modules configure method.

About configuration following

Saml IdP configuration

Tips and Tricks

This gem might not to cover all corner cases that's your need. Following wiki page contains some developers experience and suggestions. It may worth to check what you can do with your customization. Also, we are suggesting if you have a common customization, feel free to create pull request to this repo. We will be happy for your contribution and improvement discussion. Saml IdP configuration

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