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Important Notice

This library is no longer actively maintained. If you'd like to reuse the implementation, please fork this repository or ask me to add you to the collaborators (I can still work on releasing libs onto sonatype and Maven central).

ScalikeSolr : Apache Solr Client for Scala/Java

"ScalikeSolr" is a simple Solr client library for Scala. And it also works fine with Java.

How to install


libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.github.seratch" %% "scalikesolr" % "4.10.0"


Available on maven central repository.




Simple Query

Using Core Query Paramters and Common Query Parameters:

import com.github.seratch.scalikesolr._

val client = Solr.httpServer(new URL("http://localhost:8983/solr")).newClient
val request = new QueryRequest(query = Query("author:Rick")) 
val response = client.doQuery(request)
response.response.documents foreach {
  case doc => {
    println(doc.get("id").toString()) // "978-1423103349"
    println(doc.get("cat").toListOrElse(Nil).toString) // List(book, hardcover)
    println(doc.get("title").toString()) // "The Sea of Monsters"
    println(doc.get("pages_i").toIntOrElse(0).toString) // 304
    println(doc.get("price").toDoubleOrElse(0.0).toString) // 6.49

Bind from SolrDocument

It requires no-argument constructor and setters for fields. It is also possible to specify user-defined type that has one argument(String) constructor.

case class PageI(val value: String = "")
case class Book(
  var id: String = "",
  var cat: List[String] = Nil,
  var price: Double = 0.0,
  var pageI: PageI = PageI(),
  var sequenceI: Int = 0 ) {
  def this() = {
    this ("", Nil, 0.0, PageI(), 0)
val book = doc.bind(classOf[Book])
println( // "978-1423103349"
println( // 2
println(book.price) // 6.49
println(book.pageI.value) // 304
println(book.sequenceI) // 2

See the documentation for more detail.

Using in Java

This library works fine with Java.


SolrClient client = Solr.httpServer(new URL("http://localhost:8983/solr")).getNewClient();
QueryRequest request = new QueryRequest("author:Rick")); // or new Query("author:Rick")
request.setSort("author desc"));
request.setMoreLikeThis(, 3,"title")));
QueryResponse response = client.doQuery(request);
List<SolrDocument> documents = response.getResponse().getDocumentsInJava();
for (SolrDocument document : documents) {
  log.debug(document.get("id").toString()); // "978-1423103349"
  log.debug(document.get("cat").toListInJavaOrElse(null).toString()); // ["book", "paperback"]
  log.debug(document.get("pages_i").toNullableIntOrElse(null).toString()); // 304
  log.debug(document.get("price").toNullableDoubleOrElse(null).toString()); // 6.49

Bind from SolrDocument

public class PageI {
  private String value;
  public PageI(String value) { this.value = value; }
  public String getValue() { return value; }

public class Book {
  private String id;
  private List<String> cat;
  private Double price;
  private PageI pageI;
  private Integer sequenceI;
  public String getId() { return id; }
  public void setId(String id) { = id; }
  // ... getter/setter

SolrDocument document = ...;
Book book = document.bindInJava(Book.class);
log.debug(book.getId()); // "978-1423103349"
log.debug(book.getCat().toString()); // [book]
log.debug(book.getPrice().toString()); // "6.49"
log.debug(book.getPageI().getValue()); // "304"
log.debug(book.getSequenceI().toString()); // "2"

See the documentation for more detail.


Apache License, Version 2.0