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Test application and related for learning varous node packages


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This is a NodeJS project to build out a bunch of random 'stuff' around the common RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) Calculator.

RPN is a mathematical notation where the operators (+, -, *, etc.) follow the objects being operated on. Like its name suggests, it is the reverse of Polish Notation where the operators precede the objects being operated on.

Some examples of this notation:

1 1 + // equivalent to 1 + 1

3 5 * 2 - // equivalent to (3 * 5) - 2

1 2 3 + - // equivalent to 1 - (2 + 3)

The idea was to start with basic calculator functionality as a class and go from that point adding new things as I go.

GitHub rpn-calc Repository

The project is not designed to be a clone of a HP calculator but a learning tool for picking up Javascript/Node and surrounding technologies. If you want to try an online version of the HP RPN calculators here is one -

HP15C Online Calculator Site

And the related github project

GitHub Project for the HP15C Project

Project Docs are generated in the ./docs/index.html directory

Here is my task list that I would like to do

  • Learn more Node/JS
  • Build out a rpn calculator service
  • build a project structure that makes sense
  • Add a bunch of HP Calculator functionality like the HP11C as I have one
  • TDD/Unit Testing with Jest or try Fast-Check Property Based Testing (
  • Document code with JSDoc and fancy output with DocStrap like structure to be able to have docs!
  • (in process) i18n integration for language, possibly numbers
  • (in process) Winston Logging and log rolling with winston extension
  • Sequelize to do user tracking or some such use of a database
  • (in process) Express to expose it as a rest service and related web interface
  • express-promise-router for allowing routes to return promises (far off for this one)
  • (in process)Opentrace / Jaeger tracing
  • ???
  • Phase 2 would be build a front end with multiple tools like Vue and React


Load up your Node and related development environment. This is all over the interwebs so not going to do that here. This is being developed on a Linux Mint distribution (Ubuntu) but should carry to other environments.

Add any needed packages that may be used specifically for development or the application directly

Dev Dependencies

Some of these may be installed globally (npm -g option, see specific package for install information)

  • eslint
  • jest
  • fast-check
  • jsdoc
  • ink-docstrap

App Dependencies

  • i18n-2
  • http-status
  • winston
  • winston-daily-rotate-file
  • axios
  • express
  • express-winston
  • cookie-parser
  • method-override
  • nunjucks templating engine (Pick your favorite, express supports many)
  • opentracing
  • zipkin (
  • zipkin-instrumentation-express
  • zipkin-instrumentation-axios
  • zipkin-context-cls
  • zipkin-transport-http
  • zipkin-axios
  • node-fetch (needed for zipkin)
  • express-opentracing (Jaeger)
  • axios-opentracing (Jaeger)
  • jaeger-client

If something is missing here (likely I forgot to update the docs!) LQQK in the package.json file

TIP : use the npm install --save <package_name> to auto-magically add it into your package.json

Here are the current list of scripts that can run and what they do -

  • docs - Run JSDocs, with enable private tags
  • docstrap - Run JSDocs with the DocStrap plug in
  • test - Run Jest, with coverage report
  • more coming soon!

To run these do something like -

$ npm run docs

$ npm run test

To start up the zipkin container. Check the zipkin docs for more info -

docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin

To start up the Jaeger container, also check docs. This starts up the container such that the instance will also handle the zipkin collector protocol.

docker run -d --name jaeger -e COLLECTOR_ZIPKIN_HTTP_PORT=9411 -p 5775:5775/udp -p 6831:6831/udp -p 6832:6832/udp -p 5778:5778 -p 16686:16686 -p 14268:14268 -p 9411:9411 jaegertracing/all-in-one:1.8

The core of the project was stolen from the numerous courseware/bootcamp projects floating around the web, and mainly just the idea for the basic calculator class.

This project will not be anything expected to be functionally useful other than learning how to do things.

Feel free to offer suggestions, coding tips, and contribute if you find yourself having time to waste or want something to do until the next season of Rick and Morty comes out.

Happy Coding!



Test application and related for learning varous node packages







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